Markets Switchover

Committees & Groups

Distributed Resources Subcommittee

The Distributed Resources Subcommittee (DISRS) is an ongoing subcommittee established by the Market Implementation Committee (MIC) at its November 2, 2022 meeting. The purpose of the DISRS is to provide a stakeholder forum to investigate and resolve specific issues and procedures in accordance with PJM stakeholder process protocols related to the evolution of distributed resources and inverter-based resources. The subcommittee reports to the MIC.

The DISRS is a consolidation of Demand Response Subcommittee (DRS) and DER & Inverter-Based Resources Subcommittee (DIRS).

Chair: Ilyana Dropkin
Secretary: David Hauske

During the meeting, if you are experiencing issues with connectivity or teleconference, please contact Meeting Support. For registration issues, contact PJM.

Special Session Issues

DR/PRD Compliance Construct for Weather Sensitive Load
Critical Gas Infrastructure - Demand Response Participation
Solar-Battery Hybrid Resources

Roster PDF | Updates

Charter PDF

Meeting Materials

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