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RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are free content feeds that give you instant access to frequently updated web content, without requiring you to visit websites. PJM’s RSS feeds offer summaries of recent news and other content and link back to full-text articles at

You will need a news reader or aggregator that displays RSS content feeds. Most news readers are free of charge. Desktop software can be downloaded and installed on your computer, or you can use a web-based news readers, such as Yahoo or MSN.

You can subscribe to a feed by entering the feed's link into your news reader. The reader automatically checks your feed subscriptions regularly for new content, downloading any updates that it finds.


Inside Lines Access this content via a news reader
PJM Announcements & News Releases Access this content via a news reader
Ex-Parte Letters Access this content via a news reader


Committee Meetings Access this content via a news reader
All Calendars – Committee, Training, and other PJM events Access this content via a news reader


Training Access this content via a news reader
Online Training Access this content via a news reader
Classroom Training Access this content via a news reader
Virtual Training Access this content via a news reader

Committees & Groups

Task Forces
User Groups