Market-to-Market Coordination MISO Date ExSchedule: User Guide PDF Coordinated Transaction Bids Training Command Line Interface Documentation ZIP 7.19.2023 Joint Operating Agreement PDF Preliminary Determination of Firm Flow Entitlements Associated with Incremental Auction Revenue Rights PDF 8.27.2019 Quarterly Change Management Log PDF 10.21.2019 FAQs Regarding CTS MISO PDF 10.31.2017 Enhanced Market to Market Data Exchange (PDF) 3.4.2013 Biennial Review of Joint Operating Agreement Report 2024 PDF 2.9.2024 2022 PDF 2.22.2022 2020 PDF 2.3.2020 2018 PDF 2.28.2018 Settlements Date Constraint Relaxation & PTOC Settlement PDF 10.18.2021 2021 Summer Merit Order Resettlement PDF 10.2.2023 PJM-MISO Joint & Common Market Settlement Adjustments Hourly MISO-PJM market-to-market settlement data for every flowgate that had coordinated operation during the reporting period. Data Miner WEB PJM-MISO Preliminary DA Market M2M FFE Exchange Date FFE Exchange XLS 8.27.2018 Technical Papers Date Market Flow Proposal - October 2014 PDF 10.27.2014 Marginal Zone Participation Factor Calculation Method & Applicability to Relevant Calculation PDF 8.8.2014 New York ISO Date Joint Operating Agreement PDF NYISO-PJM Interconnection Facilities List PDF 2.14.2024 NY/NJ PAR Coordination FERC Approval PDF 10.6.2017 Coordinated Flowgates & Entitlements XLS 6.8.2021 Duke Energy Carolinas Date Joint Operating Agreement PDF 4.1.2018 Implementation Document for Joint Operating Agreement PDF 4.1.2018 Tennessee Valley Authority Date Joint Reliability Agreement (JRCA) - PJM and TVA PDF 6.5.2023 VACAR South RC Date Adjacent Coordination Agreement (VACAR, South RC & PJM) PDF 3.7.2018 Congestion Management Process Council Date Congestion Management Process (CMP) – Capturing Pseudo-Ties in Market Flow PDF 7.12.2016 PJM Coordinated Flowgates CSV Market-to-Market Data Exchange PDF 5.10.2024