Markets Switchover

Markets & Operations

Energy Offer Verification

To comply with FERC Order 831, PJM conducts a verification process for incremental energy offers greater than $1,000/megawatt-hour, effective April 12, 2018, prior to being eligible to set LMP as detailed in Section of Manual 11. Offers greater than $1,000/MWh that fail initial validation are capped at $1,000/MWh in Markets Gateway. Market Sellers have the opportunity to submit an Exception Request and the required supporting documentation in Markets Gateway’s “Fuel Price Exceptions” screen, replacing the PJM Connect website, which was retired on December 1, 2023.

Market Sellers should confirm access to the following prior to any Offer Verification Event:

  1. Markets Gateway
  2. Member Information Reporting Application (MIRA)
    1. Ensure up to date fuel cost policies.
    2. Ensure accurate and complete cost offer information in the COA MIRA module.
  3. XML Setup for “Fuel Price Exceptions” Step 1 (Not Required, but may be helpful)

Energy Offer Verification Process Overview and Training


Presentation reviews the latest Energy Offer Verification Process and also provide key information for Market Participants to prepare for Energy Offer above $1000/MWh.

December 2023 Presentation PDF
Recording WEB

Supporting Documents


Market Implementation Committee Materials
PJM’s Compliance Filing Docket No. ER17-1567 PDF


M-11: Energy & Ancillary Services Market Operations 
WEBCurrentRedline PDF
Attachment D: Verification of Cost Offers greater than $2,000/MWh WEB
Section 8.18 of the Markets Gateway User Guide PDF
Section 6.22 of the External Interface Specification Guide PDF
COA / MIRA User Guide PDF
Fuel Cost Policy Guidelines PDF

Contact PJM

(866) 400-8980
(610) 666-8980


Energy Offer Verification


Markets Gateway