PJM Tools Login Maintenance

Markets & Operations

Ratings Information

Type Frequency Description
Permanent TXT Twice per day
9:00 a.m. EPT
1:00 p.m. EPT
  • All reportable facilities within the PJM operational footprint
  • Obtained from the PJM Energy Management System
  • Changes reflect effective permanent ratings
Temporary TXT Twice per day
9:00 a.m. EPT
1:00 p.m. EPT
  • Limited durations, typically less than six months due to reliability and safety
  • Active, temporary changes, as well as future changes
  • Estimated dates are provided to indicate when the temporary ratings are in effect.
  • The facilities will revert to their permanent ratings upon the completion of the temporary rating change.
Twice per day
9:00 a.m. EPT
1:00 p.m. EPT
Rating changes due to NERC Alerts (Emergency or Near term) issued to verify field conditions are consistent with established ratings as per standards FAC-008 and FAC-009.
Real Time

Every 10 minutes Real time ratings for facilities enabled for dynamic ratings.
Effective ZIP
Every 10 minutes
  • Permanent and temporary ratings
  • NERC Alert changes
  • Dynamic Ratings Forecast files - For transmission owners with Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR) facility, the zipped file contains individual company files with DLR forecasted information for up to the next 48hrs.
  • Real Time DLR
Today ZIP
Yesterday ZIP
2 days ago ZIP
3 days ago ZIP
Today - every hour
Yesterday - daily
2 days ago - daily
3 days ago - daily
  • Effective Ratings for Today
  • Effective Ratings for Yesterday
  • Effective Ratings for 2 Days Ago
  • Effective Ratings for 3 Days Ago
Reasons for Rating Change TXT
Daily 05:37 a.m. EPT A list of available reasons that are required by PJM to be selected for a rating change. Reasons are periodically added and retired based on operational needs.


Ratings Formats


Column Name Column Definition
Company PJM EMS abbreviation of the designated Transmission Owner where the equipment resides, or equipment owner, for the equipment.
Substn The substation for the given equipment. For lines, the substation shown will usually be the first alphanumeric substation name. (Ex. A line going from Alpha substation to Bravo substation would be listed under Alpha. aka, PJM EMS B1 field.)
kV The voltage level for the given equipment expressed in kilovolts (kV). (aka, PJM EMS B2 field.)
Dev Device name, abridged to a maximum of 8 characters, for the PJM EMS equipment device name for the given equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 field.)
End PJM EMS END A or END B for a LINE, END A for a flow or series device or HIGH/LOW for a XFMR.
Descr Description of the equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 Text field.)
DLR Indicates if facility is enabled for dynamic ratings (Y) or not (N)
Degf Temperature set in degrees Fahrenheit.
Norm Continuous rating under Normal (NL) operating conditions. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Long Long Term Emergency (LTE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Shrt Short Term Emergency (STE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Dump Load Dump (LD) emergency rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)

Each temperature level has a separate set of ratings for day and night time operations.

Additional information on PJM operations related to thermal violations can be found in PJM Manual 03: Transmission Operations PDF


Column Name Column Definition
Substn The substation for the given equipment. For lines, the substation shown will usually be the first alphanumeric substation name. (Ex. A line going from Alpha substation to Bravo substation would be listed under Alpha. aka, PJM EMS B1 field.)
kV The voltage level for the given equipment expressed in kilovolts (kV). (aka, PJM EMS B2 field.)
Dev Device name, abridged to a maximum of 8 characters, for the PJM EMS equipment device name for the given equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 field.)
End PJM EMS END A or END B for a LINE, END A for a flow or series device or HIGH/LOW for a XFMR.
Descr Description of the equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 Text field.)
DLR Indicates if facility is enabled for dynamic ratings (Y) or not (N)
Reason The reason for the ratings change. Available choices can be found in the Reasons for Rating Change text report.
Start IF Active: Date and time the ratings were made effective.
IF Future: Estimated date and time the ratings will be in effect.
Date is in MM/DD/YYYY format. Time is in 24 hour format.
Est. End Estimated date and time ratings are scheduled to end. The date is in the MM/DD/YYYY format. The time is in 24 hour format. 
Status The current status of the temporary rating request. The following statuses are displayed in the report: Active, Approved, and Awaiting Approval.
Degf Temperature set in degrees Fahrenheit.
Norm Continuous rating under Normal (NL) operating conditions. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Long Long Term Emergency (LTE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Shrt Short Term Emergency (STE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Dump Load Dump (LD) emergency rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)

Each temperature level has a separate set of ratings for day and night time operations.

Additional information on PJM operations related to thermal violations can be found in PJM Manual 03: Transmission Operations PDF.

Effective – Dynamic Ratings Forecast

Column Name Column Definition

End Hour for which the dynamic ratings are valid.
Time is in GMT

Station The substation for the given equipment. For lines, the substation shown will usually be the first alphanumeric substation name. (Ex. A line going from Alpha substation to Bravo substation would be listed under Alpha (aka, PJM EMS B1 field.)
Voltage The voltage level for the given equipment expressed in kilovolts (kV). (aka, PJM EMS B2 field.)
Equipment Description of the equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 Text field.)
End PJM EMS END A or END B for a LINE, END A for a flow or series device or HIGH/LOW for a XFMR.
Normal Continuous rating under Normal (NL) operating conditions. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
LongTerm Long Term Emergency (LTE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
ShortTerm Short Term Emergency (STE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
LoadDump Load Dump (LD) emergency rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)

NERC Alert

Column Name Column Definition
Substn The substation for the given equipment. For lines, the substation shown will usually be the first alphanumeric substation name. (Ex. A line going from Alpha substation to Bravo substation would be listed under Alpha. aka, PJM EMS B1 field.)
kV The voltage level for the given equipment expressed in kilovolts (kV). (aka, PJM EMS B2 field.)
Dev Device name, abridged to a maximum of 8 characters, for the PJM EMS equipment device name for the given equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 field.) 
End PJM EMS END A or END B for a LINE, END A for a flow or series device or HIGH/LOW for a XFMR. 
Descr Description of the equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 Text field.)
DLR Indicates if facility is enabled for dynamic ratings (Y) or not (N)
Status The current status of NERC Ratings Alert Changes. (Ex. Implemented.)
Reason The reason for the ratings change. Available choices can be found in the Reasons for Rating Change text report.
Est. Start Estimated date and time ratings are scheduled to start. Date is in MM/DD/YYYY format. Time is in 24 hour format.
Est. End Estimated date and time ratings are scheduled to end. The date is in the MM/DD/YYYY format. The time is in 24 hour format.
Act. Start Actual date and time ratings were made effective. Date is in MM/DD/YYYY format. Time is in 24 hour format.
Degf Temperature set in degrees Fahrenheit.
Norm Continuous rating under Normal (NL) operating conditions. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Long Long Term Emergency (LTE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)  
Shrt Short Term Emergency (STE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)  
Dump Load Dump (LD) emergency rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)  

Each temperature level has a separate set of ratings for day and night time operations.

Additional information on PJM operations related to thermal violations can be found in PJM Manual 03: Transmission Operations PDF.

Real Time DLR

Column Name Column Definition
Station The substation for the given equipment. For lines, the substation shown will usually be the first alphanumeric substation name. (Ex. A line going from Alpha substation to Bravo substation would be listed under Alpha (aka, PJM EMS B1 field.)
Voltage The voltage level for the given equipment expressed in kilovolts (kV). (aka, PJM EMS B2 field.)
Name Short name of the equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 Name field.) 
Equipment Description of the equipment. (aka, PJM EMS B3 Text field.)
End PJM EMS END A or END B for a LINE, END A for a flow or series device or HIGH/LOW for a XFMR.
Normal Continuous rating under Normal (NL) operating conditions. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Long Long Term Emergency (LTE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Short Short Term Emergency (STE) rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)
Load Dump Load Dump (LD) emergency rating. (See manual M-03: Section 2 re: Facility Ratings.)