Markets & Operations

Outage Information

Transmission Facilities Outages List TXT
Transmission Facilities Outages List – RTEP TXT
NERC Alert Transmission Outages TXT

The Transmission Facilities Outage List (TFOL) is a text report which lists outaged facilities within the PJM Markets footprint. Below is a description of the data in each of the three sections of the report (current, scheduled and planned). It includes an explanation of each column in the sections.

Please note, another version of the scheduled and planned sections of this report, which is filterable by column and includes XML download capability, is available via the eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket application. Also included is a historical report which details past outages. Access to that version of the report requires a Generic account in eDART.


De-energized Equipment

De-energized equipment statuses are obtained from the PJM Energy Management System and depict all PJM Member transmission equipment, with the exception of Future equipment that has yet to be placed in service, that are currently out-of-service on the PJM system. This list of de-energized transmission equipment may be comprised of a combination of normally open (N.O.), retired (RETIRED), unplanned and scheduled transmission outages. Normally open equipment are designated administratively and indicate that an open or de-energized state is their default status. Retired equipment are designated administratively to provide an indication that the equipment will be removed in a future PJM EMS model build. Unplanned transmission outages are typically outages required to perform emergency repair in order to protect equipment or are a result of inadvertent tripping of facilities. Scheduled outages are those which were analyzed and approved by PJM in advance and are de-energized to perform required maintenance in order to preserve overall system reliability.


Column Name Column Definition
Item Row number in the De-energized Equipment section
eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket number where outaged facility is included. This ticket number can be used to reference the outage information in the Scheduled section where more information about the outage will be contained. If "0" is shown there is no non-cut-in transmission ticket in eDART for this outage and it will not be included in the Scheduled Outage section.
Facility Name
This field is broken up into four parts. The equipment types are defined as the following:

  • BRKR - Breaker or Disconnect
  • CAP - Capacitor or Reactor
  • GEN - Static VAR Compensator (SVC)
  • LD - Load
  • LINE - Line
  • PS - Phase Shifter
  • SD - Series Device
  • XFMR - Transformer

The second is the eight character abbreviation for the station for which the equipment resides. For lines the station shown will usually be the first alphabetic station name. (Ex. A line going from station ABCDEFGH to IJKLMNOP would typically be listed under ABCDEFGH.) The third is the Voltage level, expressed in KV or kilovolts. For transformers this is the high side voltage. The fourth field is the equipment name. It is a 32-character name which describes the equipment.

“RETIRED” appended to the Facility Name indicates that the equipment is retired but still in the PJM model. Such facilities will be scheduled for removal from a future PJM EMS model build.

"N.O.” appended to the Facility Name indicates that the equipment is Normally Open and de-energized is its default state.


Scheduled Outages

Scheduled Outages are obtained from the eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket application and depicts all reportable facilities that have been submitted with more detail than is available in the Current Section. Transmission operators request transmission outages in order to perform the necessary normal maintenance on the transmission system to preserve overall system reliability or in case of trippings to notify PJM OI of the outage. When the outage requests are received by PJM OI, the status column will appear as "Received." Once PJM OI performs an analysis to ensure the requested transmission maintenance does not adversely effect system reliability, the outage will be approved and the status column will appear as "Approved." Due to the uncertainty of system conditions, the possibility exists that transmission maintenance can be canceled even after a transmission outage request is approved. In the case of a tripping or other type of emergency outage the status of the ticket may immediately go to "Active" upon PJM OI receipt of outage ticket.


Column Name Column Definition
Item Row number in the Scheduled Outages section
eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket number from which this information was derived.
Abbreviation of the Transmission Zone for which the facility exists. In the case of lines this may instead be the abbreviation for the Company that submitted the ticket since lines may be in multiple zones.
Facility Name
This field is broken up into four parts. The equipment types are defined as the following:

  • BRKR - Breaker or Disconnect
  • CAP - Capacitor
  • GEN - Static VAR Compensator (SVC)
  • LD - Load
  • LINE - Line
  • PS - Phase Shifter
  • SD - Series Device
  • XFMR - Transformer

The second is the eight character abbreviation for the station for which the facility resides. For lines the station shown will usually be the first alphabetic station name. (Ex. A line going from station ABCDEFGH to IJKLMNOP would be listed under ABCDEFGH.) The third is the Voltage level. For transformers this is the high side voltage. The fourth field is the equipment name. It is a 32 character name which describes the facility.

Start Date/Time
Date and time the outage is scheduled to begin. The date is in the DD-MMM-YYYY format. The time is in military format.
End Date/Time
Date and time the outage is scheduled to end. The date is in the DD-MMM- YYYY format. The time is in military format.
Denotes if the facility is in or out of service. In service (closed) facilities are denoted by the letter “C.” Out of service (open) facilities are denoted by the letter “O.”
The current status of the ticket in the eDART - Transmission Outage Ticket application. Only tickets with the statuses listed below are displayed:
  • Received – Initial review of ticket by PJM Dispatch or OPD (Operations Planning Department) completed.
  • Revised – Submitting company recently made changes to the ticket after it had previously been in the status of Received or Approved.
  • Approved – Either the following could be the case for this outage:
    - Outage has been studied and given final approval by the PJM OI in the case of normal tickets. Emergency tickets in this status may have been given this status immediately upon receipt by the PJM OI.
    - Outage has a “Daily” Outage Type which has been either ended for the day,has not yet started for the day or may not start for the day. (See Outage Type column description for more details.)
  • Active – Outage is currently in progress.
  • Completed – Outage has been completed within the last six hours.
  • Canceled - Outage had been canceled within the last six hours.
Last Revised
Timestamp for when ticket was last updated in the eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket Application. This update may include notes regarding coordination between reliability entities or a change in status.
Outage Type
Type of outage. There are two main types Continuous and Daily.

  • Continuous outages are tickets which will be Active for the life of the Start and End. The two Continuous types are Continuous and Continuous – Not Including Weekends. The only difference between the two is that in the latter the outage does not occur during the weekend.
  • Daily outages start and stop each day for the life of the ticket. For each day the Start Time column denotes when the ticket is scheduled to start each day. The End Time column denotes when the ticket is scheduled to end each day. The three Daily types are Daily – Including Weekends (tickets scheduled for Sunday – Saturday), Daily – Not Including Weekends (tickets scheduled for Monday – Friday), and Daily - Weekends Only (tickets scheduled for Sunday and Saturday).
Reason and/or description of job. There will be one or many "Causes". Causes are selected from a canned list to better describe scope of outage.

Transmission Outage Cause Definitions PDF

Date Log
It shows each occurrence of Start/End Date and Time change and associated timestamp. This field is broken up into three parts:

  • Start Date/Time - Date and time the outage is scheduled to begin. The date is in the DD-MMM-YYYY format. The time is in military format.
  • End Date/Time - Date and time the outage is scheduled to end. The date is in the DD-MMM-YYYY format. The time is in military format.
  • Timestamp - Timestamp for when ticket Start/End Dates and Times were updated in the eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket Application.
History Log It shows each occurrence of ticket status change and associated timestamp. This field is broken up into two parts:
  • Status - The status of the ticket (Received, Revised, Approved, Active, Completed, or Canceled) in the eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket application.
  • Timestamp - Timestamp for when the ticket status was updated in the eDART – Transmission Outage Ticket Application.
Approval Risk If Yes, indicates that the outage is at risk of being denied. Otherwise, this field is blank. 
Avail Availability: This is the restoration time of the equipment in the ticket in hours or blank (if Availability = Duration)
RTEP# Regional Transmission Expansion Project number.
Prev Status The previous status of the ticket in the eDART - Transmission Outage Ticket application. This field is blank if the current status of the ticket is the first status of the ticket.