Emergency DR resources with a capacity commitment (“Emergency Full” registrations) also receive compensation for energy reductions when dispatched by PJM. The measurement of the load reduction is based on: i) the difference between the load prior to the load reduction and the actual load during the dispatch or ii) the difference between the customer baseline (“CBL”) on the economic registration and the load during the event. Further, if a CSP does not have an economic registration at the time of the Emergency dispatch they may subsequently submit and get approved prior to submission of the emergency energy settlement (60 days after the dispatch) and the Economic CBL will be used for the Emergency energy settlement. These rules were implemented as a compromise to help improve the accuracy of the emergency load reduction since stakeholder understood that the “hour before” methodology is not very accurate.
An assessment will be made as to whether or not there is a more accurate methodology and/or process to determine Load Management energy load reductions. If appropriate, Tariff and/or Manual changes for the proposed solution(s) that resolve the issue will be developed. The following is a list of expected deliverables:
1) Evaluation of existing hour before method to determine if it should be kept, refined or replaced by another methodology as the default Load management energy customer baseline.
2) Evaluate the process and timing of use of economic customer baseline for Load Management energy settlements.
3) Determine guidelines for emergency energy settlement submission for voluntary Load Management event.