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Energy Market Manuals

The manuals in the Energy Market section provide the rules, procedures, and requirements for PJM Market & System Operations, as well as, member companies who buy, sell, schedule and deliver electricity through the Energy & Reserve Markets within the PJM region.

Pre-Scheduling Operations

Describes PJM & PJM Member pre-scheduling activities that set the stage for the scheduling and dispatching phases of the PJM Control Area Operation.

Energy & Ancillary Services Market Operations

Provides information on the day ahead and hourly market activities that are performed by PJM and PJM Members and describes the rules and procedures for scheduling resources.

Balancing Operations

Describes how the PJM dispatchers manage capacity resources, monitor transmission facilities and provide ancillary services within the energy market.

Cost Development Guidelines

Defines the standard methodologies that are recognized by PJM as appropriate for determining various cost components for use on those occasions and in those markets where product or services are required to be provided to PJM at cost-based rates, as referenced in Schedule 1, Section 6 of the Operating Agreement of PJM.

Regional Transmission Planning Process Manuals

PJM’s Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP) identifies transmission system upgrades and enhancements to preserve the reliability of the electricity grid, the foundation for thriving competitive wholesale energy markets.

New Services Request Process

Guides the generation and/or transmission developers through the planning processes to interconnect to and operate in PJM markets.

PJM Regional Transmission Planning Process

Describes PJM's open and participatory process for planning baseline expansion facilities.

Generation & Transmission Interconnection Facility Construction

Provides PJM process guidelines for the construction and integration of all RTEP projects, including generation and merchant transmission interconnections and Transmission Owner upgrades.

Generator Operational Requirements

Focuses on generator responsibilities as signatories to the Operating Agreement of the PJM Interconnection and related market and operational requirements for connecting to the PJM system.

Upgrade & Transmission Interconnection Requests

Provides the specific requirements for interconnecting Merchant Transmission Facilities, proposing capability increases to specific Transmission Owner Facilities and making Upgrade Requests to obtain Incremental Auction Revenue Rights (IARRs) under PJM’s Regional Transmission Expansion Planning Process.  Additionally, it describes the various rights available and agreements required to complete the Transmission Interconnection or Upgrade planning process

  • 2020

Competitive Planning Process

The PJM Manual for the Competitive Planning Process is part of the PJM Manual 14 series that encompass the PJM transmission planning protocol. This manual focuses on the process to conduct competitive proposal windows consistent with Order No. 1000.

Generation Interconnection Requests

Guides a Generation Interconnection customer through their application, study and agreement process including specific requirements and rights as a generator participating in PJM markets.

New Service Requests Cycle Process

This Manual guides Project Developers, Eligible Customers, Upgrade Customers, Surplus Project Developers and Affected System Customers through the planning and study phase of their proposed project up to the request for facility construction.

Transmission Manuals

The manuals in the transmission section provide resources, guidelines and requirements for Transmission Operations and member companies within the PJM region, as well as, provide coordination information for PJM neighbors.

Control Center & Data Exchange Requirements

Describes the requirements for control centers of signatories to PJM’s Operating Agreement including the telecommunication linkages to PJM, the recommended characteristics of control center computer systems and the facilities housing those systems. In addition, it summaries the computer services and systems at PJM’s Control Center and the standards for billing quality MWh meters and meter accuracy.

Transmission Service Requests

Addresses Transmission Customer requests for Transmission Service and  provides a description of the calculations, assessment, and studies performed by PJM to assess a request for Transmission Service and to determine the adequacy of the PJM Control Area Transmission Service Facilities to accommodate the request.

Transmission Operations

Discusses transmission operating philosophies, operating limits, and outage scheduling within the PJM control area.

Energy Management System Model Updates & Quality Assurance

Describes the processes and procedures associated with updating and validating the PJM EMS model as well as the responsibilities and requirements for the various model data stakeholders.

Transmission Operating Procedures (CEII)

Contains transmission operating procedures within the PJM control area. Manual 3B is CEII protected. View complete version of Manual 3BThis is Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) material that requires an access approval. - requires additional access.

Financial Transmission Rights

Describes how Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) are acquired from PJM and in the secondary market and how the value of FTRs is determined.

Protection Standards

Provides the minimum design standards and requirements for bulk power facility protection systems within PJM.

Emergency Operations

Describes how PJM and the PJM Members are expected to respond to emergency conditions including but not limited to an abnormal electrical system condition requiring manual or automatic action, a fuel shortage, or a condition that requires implementation of emergency procedures. 

System Restoration

Focuses on how PJM and the PJM Member Companies will respond to system disturbance conditions and/or system blackout situations. 

Reliability Coordination

Addresses PJM’s authority, responsibility and duties as Reliability Coordinator and how PJM Members are expected to respond. Specifically, it discusses the requirements to monitor facilities, how PJM defines and monitors System Operating Limits and the Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit, implementation of the Transmission Loading Relief procedures and PJM's coordination efforts with neighboring Reliability Coordinators.

Operations Planning

Addresses the PJM processes of coordinating seasonal assessments, the reporting, analyzing and approving of generation and transmission outages as well as the coordination of the analysis results with PJM members and external Reliability Coordinators.

OASIS Operation

This manual has been retired. The contents of this document are now apart of the OASIS User Guide (PDF).

Power System Application Data

This manuals has been retired. The contents of the document are now apart of M14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process.

Managing Interchange

This manual has been retired. The contents of this document are now apart of Section 2 of PJM Regional Transmission & Energy Scheduling Practices.

Reserve Manuals

The manuals in the Reserve Market section provide the rules, procedures, and requirements for PJM Market Operations and Capacity Adequacy Planning, as well as, member companies who participate in the Capacity Market within the PJM region that operates to ensure the adequate availability of necessary resources that can be called upon to ensure the reliability of the grid.

Capacity Market

Addresses the capacity markets, including the Reliability Pricing Model and the Fixed Resource Requirement Alternative. It includes the requirements for resources and Load Serving Entities (LSEs) to participate in these markets and their responsibilities as signatories to PJM’s Open Access Transmission Tariff, Reliability Assurance Agreement and Operating Agreement.

Energy Efficiency Measurement & Verification

Addresses the measurement and verification of the Nominated Energy Efficiency Value of an Energy Efficiency (EE) Resource participating in the PJM Capacity Market. Additionally, it establishes the standards and criteria for M&V Plans, Post-Installation M&V Reports, and the M&V Audit.

Load Forecasting & Analysis

Describes data input requirements, processing, computer programs and data reports as well as load data reporting requirements.

Resource Adequacy Analysis

Describes the process and procedure for establishing the amount of generating capacity required to supply customer load with sufficient reserve for reliable service.

Resource Adequacy Analysis

Initial version of Manual 20A describing business practices for performing resource adequacy studies namely, the Reserve Requirement Study, the Capacity Emergency Transfer Objective study, the Effective Load Carrying Capability study.

Rules & Procedures for Determination of Generating Capability

Provides uniformity for planning, operating, accounting and reporting purposes.

Determination of Accredited UCAP Using Effective Load Carrying Capability Analysis

Describes the business practices for collecting information to develop Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) Class Ratings and for calculating Accredited Unforced Capacity (UCAP) values based on ELCC Class Ratings.

  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021

PJM Rules and Procedures for Determination of Generating Capability

Initial version of Manual 21B containing the process and procedure for establishing: i) the capability of generation capacity resources ii) the accreditation of capacity resources and iii) the ELCC classifications.

Generator Resource Performance Indices

Describes the roles and responsibilities in matters concerning the projection of generating unit unavailability rates, as required for PJM Reliability and Capacity Adequacy studies and for other data required for specific planning applications.

Capacity Obligations

This manual has been retired for the implementation of Reliability Pricing Model.

eGADS User Manual

This manual has been retired. The contents of this document are now apart of eGADs User Guide.

eFuel 2.0 - User Manual

This manual has been retired.

Accounting & Billing Manuals

These manuals describe each of the line items that our customers may see on their PJM monthly billing statements. They also contain detailed settlement calculations and formulas used to produce these billing line items.

Open Access Transmission Tariff Accounting

Focuses on the accounting for transmission services within the PJM Open Access Tariff.

Operating Agreement Accounting

Addresses the accounting for energy within the PJM Energy Market and establishes the basis for charges and credits for the purchase and sale of energy and related services.


Describes the structure of the PJM billing statements as well as an overview of PJM’s billing and payment processes.

Administration Manuals

Administrative Services for PJM Interconnection Agreement

Addresses administrative items including the qualifications for new applicants, the membership application procedure, support provided by PJM and the Members Committee, as well as dispute resolution. It provides an explanation of the philosophy of the PJM Operating Agreement, the role of PJM, a description of PJM participants and their role in the Members Committee.

Stakeholder Process

Provides guidance on the operation of the PJM stakeholder process in which the Members, PJM and other stakeholders use a consensus based issue resolution process to develop and implement enhancements and other changes to PJM’s market, operation and reliability rules.

Miscellaneous Manuals

Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination

Focuses on how PJM and the PJM Members are expected to coordinate operations with the Nuclear Plant Generator operator entities to ensure the Nuclear Plant Interface Requirements (NPIR) are addressed and implemented while maintaining Bulk Electric System reliability.

Certification & Training Requirements

Addresses the PJM certification and training programs for Transmission and Generation operators including a description of training and certification requirements and the initial and ongoing training requirements. A description of training programs for PJM system operators is also included in M-40.

Definitions & Acronyms

This manual is retired. The contents of this document are contained within the Definitions section of the Operating Agreement, Open Access Transmission Tariff and Reliability Assurance Agreement as well as the Glossary.

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Process for Adding, Deleting and Revising PJM Manuals

The process to amend the procedures and processes found within PJM Manuals (Manuals) is addressed through – PJM Manual 34: PJM Stakeholder Process Section 11.15.  As noted in Section 11.15, “Operating Agreement section 10.4.iii states that PJM is ‘responsible to prepare, maintain, update and disseminate the PJM Manuals’. It has been PJM’s practice to bring revisions to the Manuals through the stakeholder process for endorsement of revisions, but PJM retains the right and responsibility to make changes to the Manuals as necessary, should stakeholder endorsement not be attainable. Manual revisions should be prepared along with the draft governing document revisions associated with the resolution for issues under consideration in the stakeholder process. The Markets and Reliability Committee provides final endorsement for all Manuals, with the exception of:

  • Manual 15 – Cost Development – this Manual requires Members Committee endorsement and Board of Managers approval in accordance with Operating Agreement Schedule 2
  • Manual 34 – PJM Stakeholder Process – this Manual is approved by the Members Committee”

The Manual amendment process is implemented within the PJM committee structure, where in these open meetings Manual changes are either proposed by PJM staff or by members.  Such proposed Manual revisions are usually associated with issues being considered in the stakeholder process (however, standalone revisions may be proposed as well). If a member wants to propose a Manual amendment, the member representative is free to make such proposals yet needs to provide justification within the committee structure for why the change is needed.

The following are highlights of this open amendment process:

  • Proposed Manual revisions are reviewed by the PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC), the Planning Committee (PC) the Operating Committee (OC), and/or the Risk Management Committee (RMC) depending upon the content of the proposed revision.
  • The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC) is charged with reviewing proposed changes to the PJM Manuals after they are reviewed by the MIC, PC, OC, or the RMC. See PJM Committee Structure.
  • The MIC, PC, OC, or the RMC meetings are open to all stakeholders (Manual 34 Sections 4.5 and 11.4).
  • Prior to all PJM Standing Committee meetings (which includes the MIC, PC, OC and RMC) and Senior Standing Committee meetings (which includes the MRC and Members Committee (MC)), PJM is required to post, at least seven calendar days before the meeting, a description of the action requested of the Members, with links to the full text of any material and all necessary supporting materials (Manual 34  Sections 2 and 11.2).
  • PJM is required to post on a description of the action requested of the Members, with links to the full text of any material and all necessary supporting materials, at least three calendar days before any other stakeholder group meetings (Manual 34 Sections 2 and 11.2).
  • This posting process applies to Manual additions, deletions or revisions under consideration in MIC, PC, OC, RMC and MRC meetings.

    Upon review within the committee structure, PJM implements the changes and posts the revised Manuals on

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