Member Training Liaison

The company Training Liaison will serve as the representative for PJM at PJM-sponsored training activities that are not directly facilitated by on-site PJM Member Training Department personnel. The role of the liaison will include verification of attendance and participation in the training, successful completion of any assessments and evaluations as required by the Continuing Education Hours (CEH) approval process. Where on-site proctored training assessments are required, the Training Liaison will serve in this role, maintaining a secure environment in connection with administering the assessment. This role and standard is also to be carried out for company or vendor-supplied training used to meet the PJM training and re-certification requirements. For audit purposes, all source data (attendance sign in sheets, assessment, etc.) for company and vendor supplied training, as well as PJM Drill documentation, should be maintained for at least 60 months.

PJM provides training forms that may be downloaded to your computer. When you download the form for your personal use, be sure to save it under a unique file name for your records. A copy of the completed form should be emailed to Training Support.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Operator/Dispatcher Information Forms

Personnel Change Form DOC
Training Liaison Identification Form DOC

DTS Sign-Up

How to subscribe to the Dispatch Training Subcommittee PDF

Training Activity Forms

NERC CEH Approved Training Activity Submission Form DOC
Non-NERC CEH Approved Training Activity Submission Form DOC
PJM Drill Participation Submission Form DOC
Communications Protocol Assessment Form DOC

PER-005 Resources & Forms

Manual 40: Certification & Training Requirements  WEB | PDF
Company Specific Task Submission Form DOC
Request for Exemption from a Terminal Task DOC